Reports (Research Report) Year : 2006

Merging sensor data from multiple temperature scenarios for vibration monitoring of civil structures


The ambient temperature effect may result in limitations of vibration-based structural health monitoring (SHM) approaches for civil engineering structures. This paper addresses the issue of discriminating changes in modal parameters due to damages and changes in modal parameters due to temperature effects. A non parametric damage detection algorithm is proposed, which only assumes that several datasets are recorded on the safe structure at different and unknown temperatures, and smoothes out the temperature effect using an averaging operation.
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inria-00164852 , version 1 (24-07-2007)


  • HAL Id : inria-00164852 , version 1


Etienne Balmès, Michèle Basseville, Laurent Mevel, Houssein Nasser, Frédéric Bourquin, et al.. Merging sensor data from multiple temperature scenarios for vibration monitoring of civil structures. [Research Report] PI 1824, 2006. ⟨inria-00164852⟩
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