Add thumbnails
What is a thumbnail?
A thumbnail is a miniature image that can be integrated as an attachment to a repository and used as an illustration in a list of publications (see Thumbnail display).
These thumbnails can be viewed in the file section by clicking on “View attached files”.
Add one or more thumbnails
Thumbnails can be added in the “File(s)” section, “Additional data ” format, “Figure, Image” attachment type. It is possible to add :
- when submitting a publication
- to a repository with a .pdf file already online to which you have access;
- to a notice (deposit without file) of which you are the owner
in all 3 cases, your deposit will be subject to moderation
For each thumbnail, specify the information as below :
Format = “additional data
Click on the “pencil” icon to configure the file
=> Select attachment type =“figure, image”.
=> Main attachment = “yes” (for main label only)
The main thumbnail is the one thatwill be displayed as a thumbnail in a list of publications generated via Haltools.
Thumbnail display
In a list of publications generated via Haltools, it is possible to select one of the thumbnails associated with the repository in order for it to appear as a thumbnail next to the publication references. To do this, you must have defined it as a "Main attachment" (see Adding one or more thumbnails).
If there is no thumbnail, the first page of the .pdf is displayed by default (only if it exists).
To generate this layout in Haltools, simply check "Thumbnails (Figure, image)" in the "Display and layout" area, then choose a Css style sheet compatible with thumbnails (../css/VisuOmbreVignettes.css, ../css/VisuRubriqueEncadre.css).