The staff responsible for moderation and support responses are few. Therefore, do not worry if your submissions take time to go online and if we respond less promptly to the requests received
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The event will take place from 9 AM at the Pereire Hotel of the Simone and Cino Del Duca Foundation, 10 Alfred-de-Vigny Street, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris. Free admission, registration required
There will be several presentations in the Durand amphitheater, located in the Esclangon space of the Jussieu campus at Sorbonne University. These presentations will be followed by the awarding of the Demailly Prize and a cocktail reception in the panoramic tower of Jussieu.
- Understanding Archives: Towards New Search Interfaces Based on Semantic Annotation of Documents
Thursday, May 23rd - 12:30 PM
- Optimizing Data Management for Your Organization with the Entity DMP
Friday, May 24th - 12:30 PM
The user support team at CCSD (Center for Direct Scientific Communication) offers one-hour sessions to learn almost everything about depositing in HAL. This one-hour remote training will help you master the process of depositing scientific publications in HAL. Accompanied by a member of the CCSD support team, you will go through the steps to deposit one of your scientific publications in HAL.
IMPORTANT: For this training to be effective, it is recommended to participate with a scientific publication ready to be deposited in HAL. See the accepted document types in HAL: https://doc.archives-ouvertes.fr/deposer/les-types-de-document/
Note: If you are new to HAL, it is advisable to attend the "Getting Started in HAL" training first.
It is aimed at a audience of doctoral students and researchers with the goal of providing support for these new scientific practices