Reports (Research Report) Year : 2009

Challenging the Security of CBIR Systems

Ewa Kijak
Laurent Amsaleg


Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems are now commonly used as a filtering mechanism against the piracy of multimedia contents. Many publications in the last few years have proposed very robust schemes where pirated contents are detected despite severe modifications. But none of these systems have addressed the piracy problem from a \emph{security} perspective. It is now time to check whether they are secure: Can pirates mount violent attacks against CBIRS by carefully studying the technology they use? This paper analyzes the security flaws of the typical technology blocks used in state-of-the-art CBIRS and shows it is possible to delude systems, making them useless in practice.
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inria-00441816 , version 1 (17-12-2009)


  • HAL Id : inria-00441816 , version 1


Ewa Kijak, Teddy Furon, Laurent Amsaleg. Challenging the Security of CBIR Systems. [Research Report] RR-7153, INRIA. 2009, pp.26. ⟨inria-00441816⟩
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