Conference Papers Year : 2007

Developable Surfaces from Arbitrary Sketched Boundaries


Developable surfaces are surfaces that can be unfolded into the plane with no distortion. Although ubiquitous in our everyday surroundings, modeling them using existing tools requires significant geometric expertise and time. Our paper simplifies the modeling process by introducing an intuitive sketch-based approach for modeling developables. We develop an algorithm that given an arbitrary, user specified 3D polyline boundary, constructed using a sketching interface, generates a smooth discrete developable surface that interpolates this boundary. Our method utilizes the connection between developable surfaces and the convex hulls of their boundaries. The method explores the space of possible interpolating surfaces searching for a developable surface with desirable shape characteristics such as fairness and predictability. The algorithm is not restricted to any particular subset of developable surfaces. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through a series of examples, from architectural design to garments.
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Format Figure, Image
Format Figure, Image
Format Figure, Image
Format Figure, Image
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Format Video

Dates and versions

inria-00337445 , version 1 (20-05-2011)


  • HAL Id : inria-00337445 , version 1


Kenneth Rose, Alla Sheffer, Jamie Wither, Marie-Paule Cani, Boris Thibert. Developable Surfaces from Arbitrary Sketched Boundaries. SGP '07 - 5th Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing, Jul 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp.163-172. ⟨inria-00337445⟩
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