Modelling and simulation of a SFN based PLC network
This work has been carried out as part of the REMPLI pro-ject (European program NNE5-2001-00825, The main objective of REMPLI is to de-velop a distributed infrastructure suitable for real-time monitoring and control of energy distribution and con-sumption. PLC technology has been chosen to form the main communication infrastructure. The problem addressed in this paper is how to design an efficient network protocol specially suited for SFN based master-slave PLC system [1]. Since the power-line is a complex medium not suited for data transmission, hence classical routing is not efficient. For this purpose, and thanks to the Physical Layer Emulator [2] implemented by iAd, we used the simulation approach to catch the impor-tant design parameters such as repeater level variation, packet error rate variation, etc. The understanding of the influence of those parameters allowed us to get an efficient protocol.