Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2024

Effective formulas for the geometry of normal homogeneous spaces. Application to flag manifolds


Consider a smooth manifold and an action on it of a compact connected Lie group with a bi-invariant metric. Then, any orbit is an embedded submanifold that is isometric to a normal homogeneous space for the group. In this paper, we establish new explicit and intrinsic formulas for the geometry of any such orbit. We derive our formula of the Levi-Civita connection from an existing generic formula for normal homogeneous spaces, i.e. which determines, a priori only theoretically, the connection. We say that our formulas are effective: they are directly usable, notably in numerical analysis, provided that the ambient manifold is convenient for computations. Then, we deduce new effective formulas for flag manifolds, since we prove that they are orbits under a suitable action of the special orthogonal group on a product of Grassmannians. This representation of them is quite useful, notably for studying flags of eigenspaces of symmetric matrices. Thus, we develop from it a geometric solution to the problem of perturbation of eigenvectors which is explicit and optimal in a certain sense, improving the classical analytic solution.
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hal-04232479 , version 1 (08-10-2023)
hal-04232479 , version 2 (11-12-2024)




Dimbihery Rabenoro, Xavier Pennec. Effective formulas for the geometry of normal homogeneous spaces. Application to flag manifolds. 2024. ⟨hal-04232479v2⟩
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