Other Publications Year : 2021

ETSI Technical Specification TS 103757. SmartM2M; Asynchronous Contact Tracing System

Luigi Liquori
Enrico Scarrone
  • Function : Author
Suno Wood
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 1080912
Lanting Cees
  • Function : Author
Markus Maass
  • Function : Author
Flynn Bob
  • Function : Author
Thomas Kessler
  • Function : Author
Holoyad Taras
  • Function : Author


Asynchronous Contact Tracing (ACT) traces the IoT connected object that may have been infected by the Covid-19 virus (or future pandemic viruses). This shifts the paradigm, from searching for a person in the process of infecting another to the tracing of both potential contamination and infections, and leveraging on the combination of the two information. The scope of this WI is to standardize the full support of Asynchronous Contact Tracing (ACT) by means of 1) providing some examples of use and deployment of ACT by means of a few explanatory use cases. 2) specifying the ACT method and its interaction with deployed contact tracing applications for human and systems. This includes the interaction with the different technologies used by non ACT contact tracing solutions. 3) specifying the ACT system including application protocols and API. The new ACT method will require the use of existing ready-to-market IoT-based technology and well-established wireless network techniques, in particular the ones specified in the ETSI standards ecosystem. Moreover, it will preserve the user's privacy in accordance with GDPR and/or other regional requirements not requiring the transmission of any personal information by the user.
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Dates and versions

hal-02989793 , version 1 (27-01-2021)
hal-02989793 , version 2 (15-06-2021)
hal-02989793 , version 3 (13-10-2021)




  • HAL Id : hal-02989793 , version 3


Luigi Liquori, Enrico Scarrone, Suno Wood, Lanting Cees, Francisco Dasilva, et al.. ETSI Technical Specification TS 103757. SmartM2M; Asynchronous Contact Tracing System. 2021. ⟨hal-02989793v3⟩
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