Conference Papers Year : 2019

DroneSAR: Extending Physical Spaces in Spatial Augmented Reality using Projection on a Drone


Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) transforms real-world objects into interactive displays by projecting digital content using video projectors. SAR enables co-located collaboration immediately between multiple viewers without the need to wear any special glasses. Unfortunately, one major limitation of SAR is that visual content can only be projected onto its physical supports. As a result, displaying User Interfaces (UI) widgets such as menus and pop-up windows in SAR is very challenging. We are trying to address this limitation by extending SAR space in mid-air. In this paper, we propose Drone-SAR, which extends the physical space of SAR by projecting digital information dynamically on the tracked panels mounted on a drone. DroneSAR is a proof of concept of novel SAR User Interface (UI), which provides support for 2D widgets (i.e., label, menu, interactive tools, etc.) to enrich SAR interactive experience. We also describe the implementation details of our proposed approach.
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hal-02409351 , version 1 (13-12-2019)



Rajkumar Darbar, Joan Sol Roo, Thibault Lainé, Martin Hachet. DroneSAR: Extending Physical Spaces in Spatial Augmented Reality using Projection on a Drone. MUM'19 - 18th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Nov 2019, Pisa, Italy. ⟨10.1145/3365610.3365631⟩. ⟨hal-02409351⟩
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