Journal Articles Journal of Computational Physics Year : 2014

Multislope MUSCL method for general unstructured meshes


The multislope concept has been recently introduced in the literature to deal with MUSCL reconstructions on triangular and tetrahedral unstructured meshes in the finite volume cell-centered context. Dedicated scalar slopes are used to compute the interpolations on each face of a given element, in opposition to the monoslope methods in which a unique limited gradient is used. The multislope approach reveals less expensive and potentially more accurate than the classical gradient techniques. Besides, it may also help the robustness when dealing with hyperbolic systems involving complex solutions, with large discontinuities and high density ratios. However some important limitations on the mesh topology still have to be overcome with the initial multislope formalism. In this paper, a generalized multislope MUSCL method is introduced for cell-centered finite volume discretizations. The method is freed from constraints on the mesh topology, thereby operating on completely general unstructured meshes. Moreover optimal second-order accuracy is reached at the faces centroids. The scheme can be written with nonnegative coefficients, which makes it L∞L∞-stable. Special attention has also been paid to equip the reconstruction procedure with well-adapted dedicated limiters, potentially CFL-dependent. Numerical tests are provided to prove the ability of the method to deal with completely general meshes, while exhibiting second-order accuracy.
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hal-00939475 , version 1 (30-01-2014)
hal-00939475 , version 2 (06-01-2015)
hal-00939475 , version 3 (09-01-2015)



Clément Le Touze, Angelo Murrone, Herve Guillard. Multislope MUSCL method for general unstructured meshes. Journal of Computational Physics, 2014, pp.44. ⟨10.1016/⟩. ⟨hal-00939475v2⟩
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