Matching 3D MR Angiography Data and 2D X-ray Angiograms
In this paper we present a new algorithm for matching a 3D MR angiography volume image with two 2D X-ray angiograms without using artificial markers. The goal is to prove the feasibility of such a technique, and the long-term aim is to be able to report the catheter position in a 3D pre-operative image, during an X-ray angiographic examination. First, vessels centerlines are computed using a novel algorithm. Then matching is performed using an extension of the ICP algorithm. Special care is taken in dealing with outliers. Comparing the results on real data of our algorithm with a stereotactic frame-based registration, the accuracy of our method is proved to be better than 2 mm in the worse case with good repeatability. This makes it usable for clinical applications.