MARE : Multiuser Augmented Reality Environment on real table setup
Using augmented reality (AR) in collaborative situations is appealing: it combines the use of natural metaphors of communication (gesture, voice, expression), with the power of virtual ones (simulation, animation, persistent data). But few 3D AR collaborative systems are devoted to keep human's ability (like grasping, writing). The motivation of this research is to mix together virtual reality techniques ([Schmalstieg et al. 2000]) and computer human interaction techniques ([Fjeld et al. 2002]), so to have the best of both worlds.
Fichier principal
sigsk01.pdf (178.68 Ko)
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integrate.jpg (19.36 Ko)
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addPredefined.wmv (6.09 Mo)
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calibProc.wmv (16.43 Mo)
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moveFinger.wmv (14.65 Mo)
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multiuser.jpg (10.74 Ko)
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sketch.avi (25.43 Mo)
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sketch02.ppt (12.28 Mo)
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Format | Figure, Image |
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