Pervasive Emergency Response Process Management System
One problem during an emergency for the teams in the field and the command center is to get an overview about who is doing what and how it is related to other activities. Current approaches for developing such an overview, for example, email, phone or radio are message-based and do not highlight dependencies between activities, do not support a sophisticated update mechanism of already exchanged activity information (e.g. state changes) and do not support awareness of what other activities people do. People in the field do not have any support for getting such an overview and rely on messages from the command center. In this article we propose a pervasive emergency process management system that is able to support modeling, execution and monitoring of ad-hoc response activities in the command center and different teams in the field. This system is able to exchange these activity information with other people in the field and even other organizations which can integrate these activity information in their processes. We discuss problems associated with this exchange and how it can be implemented using existing standards. Finally, we provide an overview of related work and our future research.