WIKITAAABLE: A semantic wiki as a blackboard for a textual case-based reasoning system
Semantic wikis enable a community of users to produce formalized knowledge readable and usable by machines. To take one step further, one can use a semantic wiki as a blackboard allowing humans and machines to interact in order to build knowledge that is useful for both humans and machines. In this paper, we present a case study of the use of a semantic wiki (Semantic Media Wiki) as a blackboard to manage culinary data and knowledge. This case study is performed within the context of the TAAABLE application, a case-based reasoning web system aiming at solving cooking problems on the basis of existing recipes. With WIKITAAABLE, an evolution of TAAABLE based on a semantic wiki, we show how a semantic wiki assists users in their knowledge management tasks by taking into account user feedback. The issues related to the integration of several knowledge management mechanisms in a single application are discussed at the end of the paper.