All-Purpose Texture Sprites
We propose a representation for efficiently and conveniently storing texture patches on surfaces without parameterization. The main purpose is to texture surfaces at very high resolution while using very little memory: patterns are stored once while instance () attributes (pattern number, size, orientation) are stored in an octree-like structure (requiring no surface parameterization). Our representation correctly handles filtering while most other methods suffer from filtering artifacts at patch boundaries. Implemented as texture sprites, the texture patches of a composite texture can be updated dynamically. This provides natural support for interactive editing, and also enables various kinds of animated textures, from wavy stationary features to crawling spots. We extend this basic scheme with two examples which would be uneasy to achieve with other methods: complex blending modes between the texture patches, and rigid scales on a deforming surface. Since our representation is particularly well suited for interactive applications and texture authoring applications, we focus in the paper on its GPU implementation, while preserving high-quality rendering.
Other [cs.OH]
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Format | Figure, Image |
Format | Figure, Image |
Format | Figure, Image |