Reports (Research Report) Year : 1996

Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Real-Time UniProcessor Scheduling


Scheduling theory, as it applies to hard-real-time environment, has been widely studied in the last twenty years and it might be unclear to make it out within the plethora of results available. Our goal is first to collect in a single paper the results known for uniproces sor, non-idling, preemptive/non-preemptive, fixed/dynamic priority driven contexts, consid ering general task sets as a central figure for the description of possible processor loads. Second to establish new results when needed. In particular, optimality, feasibility conditions and worst-case response times are examined largely by utilizing the concepts of workload, processor demand and busy period. Some classic extensions such as jitter, resource sharing are also considered. Although this work is not oriented toward a formal comparison of these results, it appears that preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling are closely related and that the analysis of fixed versus dynamic scheduling might be unified according to the concept of higher priority busy period. In particular, we introduce the notion of deadline-d busy period for EDF sched ules, that we conjecture to be an interesting parallel of the level-i busy period, a concept already used in the analysis of fixed priority driven scheduling.
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inria-00073732 , version 1 (24-05-2006)


  • HAL Id : inria-00073732 , version 1


Laurent George, Nicolas Rivierre, Marco Spuri. Preemptive and Non-Preemptive Real-Time UniProcessor Scheduling. [Research Report] RR-2966, INRIA. 1996. ⟨inria-00073732⟩
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