Self-Adjusting Atomic Memory for Dynamic Systems based on Quorums On-The-Fly. Correctness Study
Atomic memory is a fundamental building block for classical distributed applications. The new emergent large scale applications such as e-auctions or e-commerce need similar fundamental abstractions able to cope with the highly dynamicity of p2p environments. In this paper we prove the correctness of a Self-Adjusting Atomic Memory that implements multi-writer/multi-reader atomic operations in dynamic systems. The architecture of this system was introduced in [AGGV05, AGGV05raptech]. The self-healing property guarantees the capability to cope with replica volatility (unavoidable in a p2p environment), while the self-adjusting property helps it to adapt on-the-fly to the dynamicity of client access. \\ Ce papier propose la preuve de correction de SAM - une mémoire atomique auto-ajustable basée sur l'utilisation de systèmes de quorums. L'architecture de SAM a été décrite dans [AGGV05, AGGV05raptech]. Nous détaillons également un des modules du système qui permet de réaliser la consultations ``à la volée'' des quorums en lecture ou écriture.