Other Publications Year : 2023

SmartM2M: Scenarios for evaluation of oneM2M deployments


The present document proposes three use case scenarios of IoT systems specially selected and defined for representing situations where modelling and analysis of the application performances is mandatory. These use cases are compliant with the oneM2M standard. They will serve to explain data and a behavioural model for an evaluation of the application but also the deployment on a oneM2M implementation. The first use case is currently deployed in a smart campus environment, the second is a generic one that highlights IoT application with event-triggered and time-triggered characteristics. The last one is a traffic light control system with synchronization features. For all of the scenarios specific temporal and behavioural constraints are to be verified and Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) that have to be verified are identified.
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Dates and versions

hal-04229449 , version 1 (13-12-2023)


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  • HAL Id : hal-04229449 , version 1


Bob Flynn, Luigi Liquori, Marie-Agnès Peraldi-Frati, Samir Medjiah, Thierry Monteil. SmartM2M: Scenarios for evaluation of oneM2M deployments. ETSI Technical Report 103839, 2023, pp.34. ⟨hal-04229449⟩
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