Reports Year : 2024

Hitting times on the lollipop graph


We consider the moments and the distribution of hitting times on the lollipop graph which is the graph exhibiting the maximum expected hitting time among all the graphs having the same number of nodes. We obtain recurrence relations for the moments of all order and we use these relations to analyze the asymptotic behavior of the hitting time distribution when tne number of nodes tends to infinity.
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hal-04143403 , version 1 (27-06-2023)
hal-04143403 , version 2 (13-12-2024)



  • HAL Id : hal-04143403 , version 2


François Castella, Bruno Sericola. Hitting times on the lollipop graph. Centre Inria de l'université de Rennes. 2024, pp.1-30. ⟨hal-04143403v2⟩
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