Other Publications Year : 2023

Instances and detailed results for the whole testbed of "A Branch-Price-and-Cut algorithm for the Multi-Commodity two-echelon Distribution Problem"

MC2DP_detailedResults.xlsx (120) Télécharger le fichier
MC2DP_instances.zip (3) Télécharger le fichier
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Describes hal-03167379 Journal article Wenjuan Gu, Claudia Archetti, Diego Cattaruzza, Maxime Ogier, Frédéric Semet, et al.. A sequential approach for a multi-commodity two-echelon distribution problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2022, 163, pp.107793. ⟨hal-03167379⟩

Dates and versions

hal-03946477 , version 1 (19-01-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-03946477 , version 1


Matteo Petris, Claudia Archetti, Diego Cattaruzza, Maxime Ogier, Frédéric Semet. Instances and detailed results for the whole testbed of "A Branch-Price-and-Cut algorithm for the Multi-Commodity two-echelon Distribution Problem". 2023. ⟨hal-03946477⟩
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