On the bottleneck stability of rank decompositions of multi-parameter persistence modules
The notion of rank decomposition of a multi-parameter persistence module was introduced as a way of constructing complete and discrete representations of the rank invariant of the module. In particular, the minimal rank decomposition by rectangles of a persistence module, also known as the generalized persistence diagram, gives a uniquely defined representation of the rank invariant of the module by a pair of rectangle-decomposable modules. This pair is interpreted as a signed barcode, with the rectangle summands of the first (resp. second) module playing the role of the positive (resp. negative) bars. The minimal rank decomposition by rectangles generalizes the concept of persistence barcode from one-parameter persistence, and, being a discrete invariant, it is amenable to manipulations on a computer. However, we show that it is not bottleneck stable under the natural notion of signed bottleneck matching between signed barcodes. To remedy this, we turn our focus to the signed barcode induced by the Betti numbers of the module relative to the so-called rank exact structure, which we prove to be bottleneck stable under signed matchings. As part of our proof, we obtain two intermediate results of independent interest: we compute the global dimension of the rank exact structure on the category of finitely presentable multi-parameter persistence modules, and we prove a bottleneck stability result for hook-decomposable modules, which are in fact the relative projective modules of the rank exact structure. We also bound the size of the multigraded Betti numbers relative to the rank exact structure in terms of the usual multigraded Betti numbers, we prove a universality result for the dissimilarity function induced by the notion of signed matching, and we compute, in the two-parameter case, the global dimension of a different exact structure that is related to the upsets of the indexing poset.