Debugging and Verification Tools for LINGUA FRANCA in GEMOC Studio
LINGUA FRANCA (LF) is a polyglot coordination language designed for the composition of concurrent, timesensitive, and potentially distributed reactive components called reactors. The LF coordination layer facilitates the use of target languages (e.g., C, C++, Python, TypeScript) to realize the program logic, where each target language requires a separate runtime implementation that must correctly implement the reactor semantics. Verifying the correctness of runtime implementations is not a trivial task, and is currently done on the basis of regression testing. To provide a more formal verification tool for existing and future target runtimes, as well as to help verify properties of LF programs, we recruit the use of GEMOC Studio-an Eclipse-based workbench for the development, integration, and use of heterogeneous executable modeling languages. We present an operational model for LF, realized in GEMOC Studio, that is primed to interact with a rich set of analysis and verification tools. Our instrumentation provides the ability to navigate the execution of LF programs using an omniscient debugger with graphical model animation; to check assertions in particular execution runs, or exhaustively, using a model checker; and to validate or debug traces obtained from arbitrary LF runtime environments.
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