Distributed k-core decomposition and maintenance in large dynamic graphs
Distributed processing of large, dynamic graphs has recentlyreceived considerable attention, especially in domains suchas the analytics of social networks, web graphs and spatialnetworks.k-core decomposition is one of the significant fig-ures of merit that can be analyzed in graphs. Efficient algo-rithms to computek-cores exist already, both in centralizedand decentralized setting. Yet, these algorithms have beendesigned for static graphs, without significant support todeal with the addition or removal of nodes and edges. Typi-cally, this challenge is handled by re-executing the algorithmagain on the updated graph. In this work, we propose dis-tributedk-core decomposition and maintenance algorithmsfor large dynamic graphs. The proposed algorithms exploit,as much as possible, the topology of the graph to compute allthek-cores and maintain them in streaming settings whereedge insertions and removals happen frequently. The keyidea of the maintenance strategy is that whenever the orig-inal graph is updated by the insertion/deletion of one ormore edges, only a limited number of nodes need their core-ness to be re-evaluated. We present an implementation ofthe proposed approach on top of theakkaframework, andexperimentally show the efficiency of our approach in thecase of large dynamic networks.