Gossiping with interference in radio chain networks
IIn this paper, we study the problem of gossiping with neighboring interference con- straint in radio chain networks. Gossiping (or total exchange information) is a protocol where each node in the network has a message and is expected to distribute its own mes- sage to every other node in the network. The gossiping problem consists in finding the minimum running time (makespan) of a gossiping protocol and efficient algorithms that attain this makespan.
We focus on the case where the transmission network is a chain (directed path or line) network. We consider synchronous protocols where it takes one unit of time (step) to transmit a unit-length message. During one step, a node receives at most one message only through one of its two neighbors. We suppose that during one step, a node cannot be both a sender and a receiver (half duplex model). Moreover we have neighboring interference constraints with which a node cannot receive a message if one of its neighbors is sending. A round consists of a set of non-interfering (or compatible) calls and uses one step. We solve completely the gossiping problem for Pn, the chain network on n nodes, and give an algorithm that completes the gossiping in 3n − 5 rounds (for n > 3), which is exactly the makespan.
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