A Publish/Subscribe System Using Causal Broadcast Over Dynamically Built Spanning Trees - Inria - Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2017

A Publish/Subscribe System Using Causal Broadcast Over Dynamically Built Spanning Trees


In this paper we present VCube-PS, a topic-based Publish/Subscribe system built on the top of a virtual hypercube-like topology. Membership information and published messages to subscribers (members) of a topic group are broadcast over dynamically built spanning trees rooted at the message's source. For a given topic, delivery of published messages respects causal order. Performance results of experiments conducted on the PeerSim simulator confirm the efficiency of VCube-PS in terms of scalability, latency, number, and size of messages when compared to a single rooted, not dynamically, tree built approach.
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hal-01644469 , version 1 (22-11-2017)



João Paulo de Araujo, Luciana Arantes, Elias P Duarte Júnior, Luiz A. Rodrigues, Pierre Sens. A Publish/Subscribe System Using Causal Broadcast Over Dynamically Built Spanning Trees. SBAC-PAD 2017 - 29th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, Oct 2017, Campinas, Brazil. pp.161-168, ⟨10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2017.28⟩. ⟨hal-01644469⟩
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