Contextualization and Dependency in State-Based Modelling - Application to Event-B
Context-awareness is an important feature in system design. We
argue that in proof systems and conceptual modelling this notion
should be precisely highlighted. Since we focus on conceptual
modelling, understandability and clarity are provided precedence for
reasoning about proofs done. In this paper, we introduce a new
definition for proof context in state-based formalisms with an
application in the Event-B modelling language. Furthermore, we
introduce a dependency relation between two Event-B models. The
contextualization of Event-B models is based on knowledge provided
from domains that we classified into constraints, hypotheses and
dependencies, according to their truthfulness in proofs. The
dependency mechanism between two models makes possible to structure
the development of systems models, by organizing phases identified
in the analyzed process. These ideas are inspired by works based on
the modelling of situations in situation theory that emphasize
capabilities of type theory with regard to situation modelling to
represent knowledge. Our approach is illustrated on small case
studies, and have been validated on a development of design patterns
for voting protocols.