Conference Papers Year : 2016

Reduced model for control in a hydroelectric unit at off-design operation


This paper describes the development of a reduced-order linear mathematical model of a hydroelectric unit subject to pressure perturbations in the draft tube of the hydraulic turbine, as it is the case at off-design operation (partial load or full load). The objective behind this development is to design a control algorithm able to attenuate the effect of these hydraulic pressure oscillations on the hydroelectric unit. First, we develop the reduced-order linear hydraulic model of the turbine and the pipes. Then this hydraulic model is combined with a reduced order model of a single machine infinite bus (SMIB) system. Finally we present simulation results of a controller designed with this model.
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hal-01354358 , version 1 (30-08-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01354358 , version 1


Simon Gerwig, Bilal Sari, Federica Garin, Carlos Canudas de Wit. Reduced model for control in a hydroelectric unit at off-design operation. ECC 2016 - 15th European Control Conference, Jun 2016, Aalborg, Denmark. pp.2096-2101. ⟨hal-01354358⟩
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