Wave propagation in a waveguide containing restrictions with circular arc shape
A multimodal method is used to analyze the wave propagation in waveguides containing restrictions (or corrugations) with circular arc shapes. This is done using a geometrical transformation which transforms the waveguide with complex geometry in the real space to a straight waveguide in the transformed space, or virtual space. In this virtual space, the Helmholtz equation has a modified structure which encapsulates the complexity of the geometry. It is solved using an improved modal method, which was proposed in a paper by A. Maurel, J.-F. Mercier, and S. Félix [Proc. R. Soc. A 470, 20130743 (2014)], that increases the accuracy and convergence of usual multimodal formulations. Results show the possibility to solve the wave propagation in a waveguide with a high density of circular arc shaped scatterers.