Reports (Research Report) Year : 2015

p-adaptation using residual distribution schemes with continuous finite elements


In this paper, a novel approach that allows to use p-adaptation with continuous finite elements is proposed. Under certain conditions, primarily the use of a residual distribution scheme, it is possible to avoid the continuity constraint imposed to the approximate solution, while still retaining the advantages of a method using continuous finite elements. The theoretical material, the complete numerical method and practical results show as a proof of concept that p-adaptation is possible with continuous finite elements, well suited for non linear cases and that this approach brings some advantages.
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hal-01225583 , version 1 (06-11-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01225583 , version 1


Rémi Abgrall, Heloise Beaugendre, Cecile Dobrzynski, Quentin Viville. p-adaptation using residual distribution schemes with continuous finite elements. [Research Report] RR-8808, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest; IMB; Bordeaux INP. 2015. ⟨hal-01225583⟩
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