Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2015

Transforming Wikipedia into a Search Engine for Local Experts


Finding experts for a given problem is recognized as a difficult task. Even when a taxonomy of subject expertise exists, and is associated with a group of experts, it can be hard to exploit by users who have not internalized the taxonomy. Here we present a method for both attaching experts to a domain ontology, and hiding this fact from the end user looking for an expert. By linking Wikipedia to this same pivot ontology, we describe how a user can browse Wikipedia, as they normally do to search for information, and use this browsing behavior to find experts. Experts are characterized by their textual productions (webpages, publications, reports), and these textual productions are attached to concepts in the pivot ontology. When the user finds the Wikipedia page characterizing their need, a list of experts is displayed. In this way we transform Wikipedia into a search engine for experts.
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Dates and versions

hal-01224114 , version 1 (04-11-2015)
hal-01224114 , version 2 (30-05-2016)



Gregory Grefenstette, Karima Rafes. Transforming Wikipedia into a Search Engine for Local Experts. 2015. ⟨hal-01224114v1⟩
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