Parallel Algebraic Linear Algebra Dedicated Interface
This work deals with parallelism in linear algebra routines. We propose a domain specific language based on C/C++ macros, PALADIn (Parallel Algebraic Linear Algebra Dedicated Interface). This domain specific language allows the user to write C++ code and benefit from sequential and parallel executions on shared memory architectures. With a unique syntax, the user can switch between different parallel runtime systems such as OpenMP, TBB and xKaapi. This interface provides data and task parallelism. Depending on the runtime system, task parallelism can use explicit synchronizations or data-dependency based synchronizations. Also, this language provides different matrix cutting strategies according to one or two dimensions. Moreover, block algorithms, such as block iterative and recursive matrix multiplication, can involve splitting according to three dimensions. The latter is also a feature that is provided to the user. The PALADIn interface can be used in any C++ library for linear algebra computation and gets the best performance from the three supported parallel runtime systems.