MyStream: an in browser stream processing personalization service to follow events from Twitter
Social media have become an essential tool to collect
timely information on news and events. Analyzing social streams
in real-time for personalization and recommendation purpose
have become important topics in the data management community.
In this paper, we propose MyStream , a personalization
service to follow events from Twitter. To improve the scalability
of the service, MyStream adopts an in-browser and hybrid
architecture. MyStream leverages the device of users to perform
the computational operations on the users’ browser, while the
server only provides all the necessary material to perform these
tasks. In addition, MyStream adopts a stream-based processing
approach to identify the relevant contents in a real-time manner.
Moreover, the recommendation engine of MyStream is highly
modular. Users can build a personalized dashboard by assembling
the recommendation modules they prefer to follow the considered
event. We implemented and evaluated MyStream using real
trace from Twitter. We show that MyStream is effective to follow
an event from Twitter, particularly the live recommendation
module quickly identifies the most valuable contents over time. In
a system perspective, we show that the cost running MyStream
on the client device remains minimal.