Computer-checked mathematics: a formal proof of the odd order theorem
The Odd Order Theorem is a landmark result in finite group theory, due to W. Feit and J. G. Thompson [1],
which states that every finite group of odd order is solvable. It is famous for its crucial role in the classification
of finite simple groups, for the novel methods introduced by its original proof but also for the striking contrast
between the simplicity of its statement and the unusual length and complexity of its proof. After a six year
collaborative effort, we managed to formalize and machine-check a complete proof of this theorem [2] using
the Coq proof assistant [3]. The resulting collection of libraries of formalized mathematics covers a wide variety
of topics, mostly in algebra, as this proof relies on a sophisticated combination of local analysis and character
theory. In this tutorial we comment on the role played by the different features of the proof assistant, from the
meta-theory of its underlying logic to the implementation of its various components. We will also discuss some
issues raised by the translation of mathematical textbooks into formal libraries and the perspectives it opens on
the use of a computer to do mathematics.