Conference Papers Year : 2014

Difference of Convex Functions Programming for Reinforcement Learning


Large Markov Decision Processes are usually solved using Approximate Dy-namic Programming methods such as Approximate Value Iteration or Ap-proximate Policy Iteration. The main contribution of this paper is to show that, alternatively, the optimal state-action value function can be estimated using Difference of Convex functions (DC) Programming. To do so, we study the minimization of a norm of the Optimal Bellman Residual (OBR) T * Q − Q, where T * is the so-called optimal Bellman operator. Control-ling this residual allows controlling the distance to the optimal action-value function, and we show that minimizing an empirical norm of the OBR is consistant in the Vapnik sense. Finally, we frame this optimization problem as a DC program. That allows envisioning using the large related literature on DC Programming to address the Reinforcement Leaning problem.
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hal-01104419 , version 1 (16-01-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01104419 , version 1


Bilal Piot, Matthieu Geist, Olivier Pietquin. Difference of Convex Functions Programming for Reinforcement Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2014), Dec 2014, Montreal, Canada. ⟨hal-01104419⟩
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