Biclique Coverings, Rectifier Networks and the Cost of ε-Removal
We relate two complexity notions of bipartite graphs: the minimal weight biclique covering number Cov(G) and the minimal rec-tifier network size Rect(G) of a bipartite graph G. We show that there exist graphs with Cov(G) ≥ Rect(G) 3/2−ǫ . As a corollary, we estab-lish that there exist nondeterministic finite automata (NFAs) with ε-transitions, having n transitions total such that the smallest equivalent ε-free NFA has Ω(n 3/2−ǫ) transitions. We also formulate a version of previous bounds for the weighted set cover problem and discuss its con-nections to giving upper bounds for the possible blow-up.
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