Conference Papers Year : 2014

A Language-Independent Approach to Extracting Derivational Relations from an Inflectional Lexicon


In this paper, we describe and evaluate an unsupervised method for cquiring pairs of lexical entries belonging to the same morphological family, i.e., derivationally related words, starting from a purely inflectional lexicon. Our approach relies on transformation rules that relate lexical entries with the one another, and which are automatically extracted from the inflected lexicon based on surface form analogies and on part-of-speech information. It is generic enough to be applied to any language with a mainly concatenative derivational morphology. Results were obtained and evaluated on English, French, German and Spanish. Precision results are satisfying, and our French results favorably compare with another resource, although its construction relied on manually developed lexicographic information whereas our approach only requires an inflectional lexicon.
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hal-01002723 , version 1 (06-06-2014)


  • HAL Id : hal-01002723 , version 1


Marion Baranes, Benoît Sagot. A Language-Independent Approach to Extracting Derivational Relations from an Inflectional Lexicon. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), May 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland. ⟨hal-01002723⟩
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