Conference Papers Year : 2014

Analysis of MPI Shared-Memory Communication Performance from a Cache Coherence Perspective


Shared memory MPI communication is an important part of the overall performance of parallel applications. However understanding the behavior of these data transfers is difficult because of the combined complexity of modern memory architectures with multiple levels of caches and complex cache coherence protocols, of MPI implementations, and of application needs. We analyze shared memory MPI communication from a cache coherence perspective through a new memory model. It captures the memory architecture characteristics with microbenchmarks that exhibit the limitations of the memory accesses involved in the data transfer. We model the performance of intra-node communication without requiring complex analytical models. The advantage of the approach consists in not requiring deep knowledge of rarely documented hardware features such as caching policies or prefetchers that make modeling modern memory subsystems hardly feasible. Our qualitative analysis based on this result leads to a better understanding of shared memory communication performance for scientific computing. We then discuss some possible optimizations such as buffer reuse order, cache flushing, and non-temporal instructions that could be used by MPI implementers.
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hal-00956307 , version 1 (06-03-2014)



Bertrand Putigny, Benoit Ruelle, Brice Goglin. Analysis of MPI Shared-Memory Communication Performance from a Cache Coherence Perspective. PDSEC - The 15th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, held in conjunction with IPDPS, May 2014, Phoenix, AZ, United States. ⟨10.1109/IPDPSW.2014.139⟩. ⟨hal-00956307⟩
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