Reports (Research Report) Year : 2011

Deliverable D10.4.1


This deliverable describes the final status of Task 10.4 of Workpackage 10 of the euHeart project. The aim of this task is to develop a prototype of an endovascular simulator of cardiac radiofrequency ablation. More precisely, its purpose is to simulate the patient-specific catheter navigation and radiofre- quency ablation of ventricular tachycardia. Since deliverable 10.4.1, work on the simulator prototype has focused on the development of a user interface and the integration of two software compo- nents : endovascular simulation and electrophysiology simulation. The first component aims at modeling the deformation of catheters and guidewires inside vessels and to generate a realistic visualization of the vis- ible X-ray images. The second component is focused on the simulation of electrophysiology. We have chosen the Mitchell-Schaeffer phenomenological model to represent the evolution of action potential on the myocardium. The integration of those 2 software components is difficult because they should both run simultaneously in real-time. To this end, we have developed a multi-thread framework allowing to parallelize the computation of the catheter deformation and the cardiac electrophysiology while sharing a minimum num- ber of information. We have also developed a user interface that can display X-ray images, 3D view of the heart and simulated electro-physiology signals measured at the tip of the catheter. An example of simulation is provided starting from the endovascular navi- gation from the veina cava and finishing with the radiofrequency ablation of endocardial tissue inside the right ventricle.
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hal-00918216 , version 1 (13-12-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00918216 , version 1


Hugo Talbot, Federico Spadoni, Maxime Sermesant, Nicholas Ayache, Hervé Delingette. Deliverable D10.4.1. [Research Report] 2011, pp.25. ⟨hal-00918216⟩
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