Conference Papers Year : 2013

Analyzing Flowgraphs with ATL


This paper presents a solution to the Flowgraphs case study for the Transformation Tool Contest 2013 (TTC 2013). Starting from Java source code, we execute a chain of model transformations to derive a simplifi ed model of the program, its control flow graph and its data flow graph. Finally we develop a model transformation that validates the program flow by comparing it with a set of flow specifi cations written in a domain speci c language. The proposed solution has been implemented using ATL.
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hal-00819075 , version 1 (30-04-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00819075 , version 1


Valerio Cosentino, Massimo Tisi, Fabian Büttner. Analyzing Flowgraphs with ATL. Transformation Tool Contest, Jun 2013, Budapest, Hungary. ⟨hal-00819075⟩
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