Conference Papers Year : 2013

A Demonstration for Building Modular and Efficient DSLs: The Kermeta v2 Experience


This demonstration presents the new version (v2) of the Kermeta workbench that uses one domain-specific meta-language per language implementation concern. We show that the usage and combination of those meta-languages is simple and intuitive enough to deserve the term mashup and implemented as an original modular compilation scheme in the new version of Kermeta. This demonstration illustrates the use of the new version of Kermeta by presenting its use to design and implement two DSLs: Kompren, a DSL for designing and implementing model slicers; KCVL, the Commun Variability Language dedicated to variability management in software design models.
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hal-00796009 , version 1 (01-03-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00796009 , version 1


Olivier Barais, Benoit Baudry, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Combemale, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, et al.. A Demonstration for Building Modular and Efficient DSLs: The Kermeta v2 Experience. Conférence en IngénieriE du Logiciel (CIEL), Apr 2013, Nancy, France. ⟨hal-00796009⟩
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