Using Kad-BitTorrent Hybrid Clients to Share Contents
BitTorrent is a fast, popular, P2P filesharing application focused on fast propagation of content. Its trackerless approach uses a DHT based on Kademlia to search for sources when the hash of the metadata of the content to transfer is known. On the other hand, the eMule network use the old ED2K protocol for filesharing including a system of priorized queues, but indexation is done through a solid Kademlia based DHT, named Kad. The Kad DHT stands for a search engine, wich provides an extra level to map keywords to file identifiers. We propose an hybrid approach, compatible with both P2P file-sharing networks, which has the Kad advantages on indexation and the BitTorrent throughput for transfer while maintaining backward compatibility with both of these networks. To validate our proposal we developed a prototype which supports content indexation provided by the Kad network and is able to transfer files using the BitTorrent protocol without losing compatibility. Using this prototype, we measured the propagation of new content in clusters of aMule clients, BitTorrent clients, hybrid clients, and a mix of them. Comparing the propagation velocity of content propagation in each scenario, we conclude the development of a full implementation would significantly benefit the users. Finally we describe the evolution the prototype needs before being distributed as production quality software.