Conference Papers Year : 2012

Security Embedding on UWB-IR Physical Layer


Abstract--The main goal of this work is to incorporate security in an existing ultra wideband (UWB) network. We present an embedding method where a tag is added at the physical layer and superimposed to the UWB-impulse radio signal. The tag should be added in a transparent way so that guaranteeing compatibility with existing receivers ignoring the presence of the tag. We discuss technical details of the new embedding method. In addition, we discuss embedding strength and we analyze robustness performance. We demonstrate that the proposed embedding technique meets all the system design constraints.
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Dates and versions

hal-00758581 , version 1 (28-11-2012)


  • HAL Id : hal-00758581 , version 1


Jean-Marie Gorce, Benoit Miscopein, Ahmed Benfarah. Security Embedding on UWB-IR Physical Layer. IEEE GLOBECOM, Dec 2012, Anaheim, United States. ⟨hal-00758581⟩
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