Conference Papers Year : 2012

The GLUON Family: A Lightweight Hash Function Family Based on FCSRs


Since the beginning of the SHA3 competition, the cryptographic community has seen the emergence of a new kind of primitives: the lightweight cryptographic hash functions. At the time writing this article, two representatives of this category have been published: Quark [7] and PHOTON [18] designed to match RFID constraints. In this paper, we propose a third representative of this category which is called GLUON. It is based on the sponge construction model [11] as Quark and PHOTON and inspired by two stream ciphers F-FCSR-v3 [4] and X-FCSR-v2 [10]. From the generic definition of our lightweight hash function, we derive three different instances according to the required security level that must be reached. For example, our lightest instance (GLUON-128/8) dedicated to 64-bit security level fits in 2071 gate-equivalents which stays competitive when compared with the parallel implementation of U-Quark. The software performances are good for GLUON-224/32, our heaviest instance
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Dates and versions

hal-00749143 , version 1 (06-11-2012)



Thierry Pierre Berger, Joffrey d'Hayer, Kévin Marquet, Marine Minier, Gaël Thomas. The GLUON Family: A Lightweight Hash Function Family Based on FCSRs. AFRICACRYPT 2012 - 5th International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Jun 2012, Ifrance, Morocco. pp.306-323, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-31410-0_19⟩. ⟨hal-00749143⟩
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