Conference Papers Year : 2012

Increasing Android Security using a Lightweight OVAL-based Vulnerability Assessment Framework


Mobile computing devices and the services offered by them are utilized by millions of users on a daily basis. However, they operate in hostile environments getting exposed to a wide variety of threats. Accordingly, vulnerability management mechanisms are highly required. We present in this paper a novel approach for increasing the security of mobile devices by efficiently detecting vulnerable configurations. In that context, we propose a modeling for performing vulnerability assessment activities as well as an OVAL-based distributed framework for ensuring safe configurations within the Android platform. We also describe an implementation prototype and evaluate its performance through an extensive set of experiments.
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hal-00747640 , version 1 (02-11-2012)


  • HAL Id : hal-00747640 , version 1


Martín Barrère, Gaëtan Hurel, Rémi Badonnel, Olivier Festor. Increasing Android Security using a Lightweight OVAL-based Vulnerability Assessment Framework. 5th IEEE Symposium on Configuration Analytics and Automation (SafeConfig'12), IEEE, Oct 2012, Baltimore, United States. ⟨hal-00747640⟩
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