An approximate solution for Ph/Ph/1 and Ph/Ph/1/N queues
We propose a simple approximation to assess the steady-state
probabilities of the number of customers in Ph/Ph/1 and
Ph/Ph/1/N queues, as well as probabilities found on arrival,
including the probability of buffer overflow for the Ph/Ph/1/N
queue. The phase-type distributions considered are assumed to be
acyclic. Our method involves iteration between solutions of an
M/Ph/1 queue with state-dependent arrival rate and a Ph/M/1
queue with state-dependent service rate. We solve these queues
using simple and efficient recurrences. By iterating between these
two simpler models our approximation divides the state space, and
is thus able to easily handle phase-type distributions with large
numbers of stages (which might cause problems for classical
numerical solutions). The proposed method converges typically
within a few tens of iterations, and is asymptotically exact for
queues with unrestricted queueing room. Its overall accuracy is
good: generally within a few percent of the exact values, except
when both the inter-arrival and the service time distributions
exhibit low variability. In the latter case, especially under
moderate loads, the use of our method is not recommended.