Conference Papers Year : 2012

I2P's Usage Characterization


We present the first monitoring study aiming to characterize the usage of the I2P network, a low-latency anonymous network based on garlic routing. We design a distributed monitoring architecture for the I2P network and show through three one-week measurement experiments the ability of the system to identify a significant number of all running applications, among web servers and file-sharing clients. Additionally, we identify 37% of published I2P applications, which turn out to be unreachable after their publication on the I2P distributed database.
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hal-00744902 , version 1 (29-10-2012)


  • HAL Id : hal-00744902 , version 1


Juan Pablo Timpanaro, Isabelle Chrisment, Olivier Festor. I2P's Usage Characterization. Traffic Monitoring and Analysis - TMA 2012, Mar 2012, Vienne, Austria. ⟨hal-00744902⟩
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