Conference Papers Year : 2013

Relation collection for the Function Field Sieve


In this paper, we focus on the relation collection step of the Function Field Sieve (FFS), which is to date the best known algorithm for computing discrete logarithms in small-characteristic finite fields of cryptographic sizes. Denoting such a finite field by GF(p^n), where p is much smaller than n, the main idea behind this step is to find polynomials of the form a(t)-b(t)x in GF(p)[t][x] which, when considered as principal ideals in carefully selected function fields, can be factored into products of low-degree prime ideals. Such polynomials are called ''relations'', and current record-sized discrete-logarithm computations require billions of them. Collecting relations is therefore a crucial and extremely expensive step in FFS, and a practical implementation thereof requires heavy use of cache-aware sieving algorithms, along with efficient polynomial arithmetic over GF(p)[t]. This paper presents the algorithmic and arithmetic techniques which were put together as part of a new implementation of FFS, aimed at medium- to record-sized computations, and planned for public release in the near future.
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hal-00736123 , version 1 (27-09-2012)
hal-00736123 , version 2 (18-01-2013)



Jérémie Detrey, Pierrick Gaudry, Marion Videau. Relation collection for the Function Field Sieve. ARITH 21 - 21st IEEE International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Apr 2013, Austin, Texas, United States. pp.201-210, ⟨10.1109/ARITH.2013.28⟩. ⟨hal-00736123v2⟩
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