Conference Papers Year : 2012

Proceedings of the seventh workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages (DSAL 2012)


It is our great pleasure to host the seventh edition of the Domain-Specific Aspect Languages workshop (DSAL12), as part of AOSD 2012: Perspectives on Modularity, the 11th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development. The tendency to raise the abstraction level in programming languages towards a particular domain is also a major driving force in the research domain of aspect-oriented programming languages. As a matter of fact, pioneering work in this field was conducted by devising small domain-specific aspect languages (DSALs) such as COOL for concurrency management and RIDL for serialization, RG, AML, and others. After a dominating focus on general-purpose languages, research in the AOSD community is again taking this path in search of innovative approaches, insights and a deeper understanding of fundamentals behind AOP. Based on the successful DSAL'06-'11 workshops, and the special issue of IET Software journal on Domain- Specific Aspect Languages, this workshop series continues to support a growing trend in AOSD research. The workshop aims to bring the research communities of domain-specific language engineering and domain-specific aspect design together. In the previous successful editions held at GPCE06/OOPSLA06 and AOSD07 we approached domain-specific aspect languages both from a design and a language implementation point of view. At AOSD08-10 we also invited contributions of work on adding domain-specific extensions (DSXs) to general-purpose aspect languages (GPALs). Last year and this year our focus is on the use of multiple DSALs, or multidomain AOP, and how DSALs may ease composition issues. If an application uses multiple DSALs, one for each domain, how can interactions be treated and what advantages do DSALs bring to this setting? This year we accepted 6 papers for presentation and publication, 4 technical papers and 2 short papers. In addition to this, we have two invited talks: "Language-Oriented Modularity through Awesome DSALs", by David Lorenz, and "DiSL: An Extensible Language for Efficient and Comprehensive Dynamic Program Analysis", by Lukas Marek, Danilo Ansaloni, and Walter Binder. Both talks serve as a complement to the presentations of the respective authors in the research track of the AOSD12 conference.
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Dates and versions

hal-00726770 , version 1 (31-08-2012)


  • HAL Id : hal-00726770 , version 1


Tom Dinkelaker, Johan Fabry, Jacques Noyé. Proceedings of the seventh workshop on Domain-Specific Aspect Languages (DSAL 2012). AOSD - Aspect-Oriented Software Development - 2012, Mar 2012, Potsdam, Germany. ⟨hal-00726770⟩
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