Supporting malleability in parallel architectures with dynamic CPUSETs mapping and dynamic MPI
Current parallel architectures take advantage of new hardware evolution, like the use of multicore machines in clusters and grids. The availability of such resources may also be dynamic. Therefore, some kind of adaptation is required by the applications and the resource manager to perform a good resource utilization. Malleable applications can provide a certain flexibility, adapting themselves on-the-fly, according to variations in the amount of available resources. However, to enable the execution of this kind of applications, some support from the resource manager is required, thus introducing important complexities like special allocation and scheduling policies. Under this context, we investigate some techniques to provide malleable behavior on MPI applications and the impact of this support upon a resource manager. Our study deals with two approaches to obtain malleability: dynamic CPUSETs mapping and dynamic MPI, using the OAR resource manager. The validation experiments were conducted upon Grid5000 platform. The testbed associates the charge of real workload traces and the execution of MPI benchmarks. Our results show that a dynamic approach using malleable jobs can lead to almost 25% of improvement in the resources utilization, when compared to a non-dynamic approach. Furthermore, the complexity of the malleability support, for the resource manager, seems to be overlapped by the improvement reached.