MEDIT : An interactive Mesh visualization Software
This technical report describes the main features of MEDIT (This software wa registered with the APP under n° IDDN.FR.001.410023.00.R.P. 2001.000.10800 on january 25, 2001.), an interactive mesh visualization tool developped in the Gamma project at INRIA-Rocquencourt. Based on the graphic standard OpenGL, this software has been specifically designed to fulfill most of the common requirements of engineers and numericians, in the context of numerical simulations. This program is rather intuitive and, therefore, the user does not really need any specific learning stage prior to be able to play with it. In this document, the user will learn how to visualize and manipulate mesh data structures via the mouse, how to deal with scalar/ten- sor values associated with a mesh and how to deal with more complex features (e.g., animations, postscript or image output creation, etc.). This document describes the features of the current version : release V2.1 (June, 2001) and, as such, replaces the previous document [3].
Autre [cs.OH]